Space Rental
Policies + Paper Reservation Form
E-mail kjc.spaces@nyu.edu for questions.
Typical reply time is 24-48 hours.
Renting spaces at KJCC (available only to NYU departments)
- Reservations will not be taken until the KJCC schedule of events is finalized for the semester.
- Spaces will only be reserved for NYU departments, with payments made through the department’s chartfield.
- As a courtesy, the following departments in the building will not be charged for reservations: The Brademas Center, The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, The Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, History, Hebrew & Judaic Studies, and the Remarque Institute. These reservations will be made through the renting department’s administrative offices, and all support for the location will be provided by that office. Same for the Spanish & Portuguese, Speaking Freely, and FAS for daytime training sessions. (See policies for departments with waived rental fees).
- Reservations must be made at least one week in advance.
- Reservations can not be made more than two months in advance.
- Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance to avoid charges.
- The rental is for the space only. Limited support is offered for audio-visual equipment.
- Equipment can be used, but performance is not guaranteed. KJCC is not responsible for malfunctions. Contact Campus Media for further support.
- These spaces are not to be used for regular classroom activities. In special circumstances, some spaces can be used for individual class meetings (i.e. make-up classes).
- Rental is confirmed once we’ve received a completed room reservation form and an email confirmation is sent.
- All policies are subject to change.
- All reservations/requests/confirmations must be made through this form.
Preparing for your event
- Reserving parties will be completely responsible for their events. This includes arranging for catering, set-up, clean-up, audio_ visual, and security. There is no guarantee or obligation for KJCC staff to be on hand during your event. Please contact us for a walk-through at least two weeks beforehand to address any questions or concerns.
- All rooms must be left in the same condition they were found in.
- No candles or open flames.
- Furniture cannot be moved without prior approval by KJCC.
- Furniture cannot be moved outside or against the walls.
- Furniture must be placed back after the event.
- Furniture deliveries and other large deliveries must be approved by KJCC.
- There is no guarantee or obligation for KJCC staff to be on hand or to sign for any deliveries. Security guards are not able to sign for deliveries.
- No loud music in the Atrium before 6 pm or without prior approval. If a class, office, or event in the building is being disturbed, you will have to turn down the volume.
- Nothing can be left after the event is over. There is no storage space, and leftover materials will be discarded.
- Time reserved must include set up and clean up.
- The building is closed on the weekend and on office holidays.
- Reservations made outside of the hours of Monday-Friday, 8 am-10 pm, will need to hire out Campus Safety via the NYU Client Services Center.
- Catering companies from outside of NYU are permitted. Large deliveries must be approved by KJCC.
- Approval is needed before adhering anything on the wall, furniture, or anything in the space. No adhesives are to be placed on the wall. Remove any signs and tape from the space once your event is over.
- All trash must be placed in the trash receptacles at the end of your event.
- Tables and chairs can be set-up via request to Client Services Center. Up to 30 chairs, 4 6’x2.5’ tables, and 2 8’x2.5’ tables are available in the building.
- No additional furniture is available through Client Services Center and might need to be rented through a 3rd party.
- If there is food during your weekend event, you will have to hire services via the Client Services center to clean up at the end of the night.
- For professional audio-visual support, please contact Campus Media. If you decide not to go with Campus Media an appointment can be made with KJCC (please request at least two weeks before your event) to receive instruction on operating the equipment. But there are no guarantees on equipment performance. Using Campus Media is strongly recommended to make everything go smoothly.
- Security Guard is responsible for having doors open for your event.
- Internet: The screening room has wi-fi and a landline connection. You can contact ITS for same-day generation of a guest Wi-Fi username and password. Land-line should be set-up at least one week in advance and verified to work by your IT support.
- A valid form of photo ID is required to enter the building.
- If the Kitchen is needed: at least one week’s notice is needed to coordinate the pick-up of keys. Keys must be returned by the next day. If no one is in the office, please put keys in a sealed envelope labeled KJCC and slip it under the door of suite 201, 2nd floor. The kitchen must be left clean.
Space Rental for Students
Students requesting the space must list their NYU department or club and the supporting NYU office contact (including email and phone). Students cannot reserve the space for personal events. Reservations must go through a "billable" NYU unit, even if fees are waived. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of Espacio de Culturas staff, but only with prior discussion and planning.
Departments with waived rental fees
- These reservations will be made through the renting department’s administrative offices, and all support for the location will be provided by that office. Support/Demos/Walkthroughs from KJCC will be provided to designated contacts in the departments.
- Please do not offer the space to other departments and organizations as your sole contribution for sponsorship. The rental should only be for your department’s events.
- All other policies still apply.
NYU Client Services Center
285 Mercer Street, 6th Floor New York, New York 10003 Tel: +1 212-998-1001 Fax: +1 212-995-4671 Email: contactcsc@nyu.edu Website: NYU Client Services Center:
Requests should be made at least 3 days in advance.
Campus Media
New York University Silver Center
100 Washington Sq. East, LL7A New York, NY 10003
212.998.2655 fax # 212.995.4250
Website: http://www.nyu.edu/campusmedia/ Email: campusmedia@nyu.edu Requests should be made at least 3 days in advance.
For Wi-fi
1-212-998-3333 24 hours a day, 7 days a week email: AskITS@nyu.edu
ITS Website: https://www.nyu.edu/life/information-technology/computing-support/help-and-service-status/nyu-it-service-desk.html
CampusSafetyLink - Request Safety Services
If you need Security Staffing, there is a request form in the link above. It is used to request security staffing for authorized events and additional operational needs, i.e. loading dock coverage, fire watch, extended building hours, etc. Campus Safety will determine staffing levels, types, and ranks based on the size and location of the event.
Kimmel Center Reservable Spaces NYU Reservable Spaces
COST: $150/hr (2 hour minimum)
1st floor: Atrium - Screening Room/Auditorium - Conference Room (All spaces on the 1st floor are rented together)
Screening Room/Auditorium (First Floor, 113)
- Theater-style seating for 70 with attached desks (up to 100 with extra chairs)
- Dual European/American-system VCR, podium, CD/DVD player, projector & screen.
- Campus media is required to operate A/V equipment.
- Set up for ZOOM. Instructions here.
- No food or drink is permitted in this room
- No stage
- Adjacent to Atrium

Conference Room (First Floor,112)
- Table space for small conferences/meetings
- Accommodates 16 at table, with further chair space for 10
- Glass wall onto backyard terrace, atrium
- No food or drink is permitted in this room
- Adjacent to Atrium

Atrium (First Floor)
- Airy, two-story reception space
- Accommodates up to 150 people
- Catering facilities (kitchen) accessible
- Adjacent to Screening and Conference Rooms
- No sit-down meals are permitted.

Patio (First Floor)

$100/hr (2 hour minimum)
Library (Second Floor, 215)
- Library available for small meetings
- Table and chairs for 8-16
- No food or drink is permitted in this room
- Adjacent to Dining Room

Dining Room (Second Floor, 216)
- Available for informal catered meals
- Accommodates up to 20 people
- Adjacent to Library