A One-Day Symposium - IN THE WAKE OF EMPIRES: Critical reflections on 1898 and its afterlives
Venue: KJCC Auditorium • 53 Washington Square South
Related: *Sulo*: the Philippine Studies Initiative at NYU (SPSI)
This one-day symposium invites scholars of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, and Cuba to critically reflect upon the 125th anniversary of the so-called Spanish American War, and discuss the impacts and legacies that both Spanish and US empires have left and continue to leave on these islands in their wake. The symposium aspires to facilitate productive dialogue between panelists and audiences members alike to map out shared or overlapping histories and experiences under Spanish and US empires across a global constellation of colonial and postcolonial islands.
Panelists include Keith L. Camacho (UCLA), Sony Coráñez Bolton (Amherst College), Adrian De Leon (Simon Fraser University), Ana Dopico (NYU), José Fusté (UCSD), Mónica Jiménez (UT Austin), Kristin Oberiano (Wesleyan), Ileana Rodríguez Silva (UW Seattle), Craig Santos Perez (UH Mānoa), David Sartorius (UMD College Park), Neferti Tadiar (Barnard College), and Rocío Zambrana (UPR Río Piedras).
Accessibility note: This venue is accessible for wheelchair users. There are elevators and accessible restrooms available. If you have any access needs, please email kjc.info@nyu.edu.