Event | Lecture
Diplomacy and Literature: Exploring 'El Abraham de Nuevo México’ with Eduardo Garrigues
Venue: KJCC Auditorium • 53 Washington Square South

Join us for an enriching evening celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month as we as we delve into the world of "El Abraham de Nuevo México" with esteemed author and diplomat Eduardo Garrigues, who will share delegate Pedro Baptista Pino’s previously unpublished report to the Spanish Cortes about the mostly ignored situation of a remote and isolated province of “Nueva España,” surrounded by 33 Native American nations, during this fraught period in American and Spanish history.
Delegate Pino traveled through Mexico at a time when the independence revolution had already started, and the Cortes was a last attempt for the Spanish crown to hold onto the territories in the Americas. At the same time, delegates from Latin America were gathered in Cadiz for the Cortes, while Napoleon’s armies had invaded the rest of Spain.
Pedro Calvo-Sotelo Ibánez-Martín, Consul for Cultural Affairs at the Consulate General of Spain in New York, will introduce Eduardo Garrigues and set the stage for an evening of intellectual exploration. Student moderators from the international relations department will then lead an insightful Q&A session, promising engaging discussions
Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in history, culture, and diplomacy, all in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us for an unforgettable evening that promises to broaden your horizons and deepen your appreciation for the rich tapestry of Nuevo Mexico's past.
Eduardo Garrigues

Eduardo Garrigues is an Ambassador of Spain. He is a diplomat and writer and an Honorary Trustee of the Fundación Consejo España – EE.UU. He was Counselor of Spanish Delegation to the United Nations and Advisor to the U.N Security Council (1978-1983), Ambassador of Spain to Namibia/Botswana (1998-2000) and Norway/Iceland (2000-2004), Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles (1989) and Puerto Rico (2010), and designated as “Ambasador of Spain” (R.D. 28-12-2014). In addition, he was Director of the Institute of Spain in London (1985) and Director General of Casa de América in Madrid (1994). He has directed numerous seminars on relations between Spain and the United States, and is the author of essays ad volumes related to the Spanish legacy in the United States, including The Spanish Enlightenment in the Independence of the United States: Benjamin Franklin (2007) and Norteamérica a finales del siglo XVIII: España y Estados Unidos” (North America at the end of the XVIIIth Century) (2008).
Pedro Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez

Pedro Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez is Spanish diplomat, with years of experience working with Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Cabinets of the Secretary General for Foreign Policy, and in Spain’s Embassies in Stockholm, Paris, Quito, Cairo and Prague. He was a member of the Spanish Delegation to the 50th session of the United Nations General Assebly. His articles have apeared in Revista de Occidente, Revista de Libros, ABC, El País, La Vanguardia and in foreign publications in the Czech Republic, Ecuador and Colombia). He has directed or coordinated several works, such as Ecuador-España: historia y perspectiva. Estudios (Quito, 2001); Madrid en el mundo (international memoirs from 2005 to 2009); Crónica de la llave de oro de la villa de Madrid; Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, un retrato intelectual (Fundación Ortega-Marañón-Marcial Pons Historia, 2010); El español en la República Checa (Prague, 2016, 64 pp.); Empresas españolas en la República Checa
Q&A led by NYU student discussants
Yan Albaladejo
Yan Albaladejo is a sophomore studying History and Public Policy at the College of Arts and Science. He was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and later moved to Greenport, Long Island. Yan hopes to combine his interest in public policy with his writing skills to pursue journalism or law. He's passionate about Black and Hispanic participation in government and one day hopes to run for public office.
Isabella Rose Angeles
Isabella Angeles is a senior in the History and International Relations departments at NYU. She has enrolled in the Accelerated Bachelor’s-Master’s track at NYU GSAS in International Relations with a concentration in International Business and Politics. As a part of the History Honors program, she is beginning her thesis on Sendero Luminoso’s violent insurgency in 1980-90s Peru. She is involved in club life on campus, including serving as the Vice President of LUCHA and Programming Chair for the NYU CAS Student Council. She is very passionate about politics and foreign investment in Latin America and hopes to one day pursue a career specializing in the region.
Elliot Weinbaum Suárez
Elliot Weinbaum Suárez is currently a junior in the College of Arts & Science pursuing a double major in politics and public policy with minors in Spanish and mathematics on the pre-law track. He is now in the process of applying to the BA-MA program in Politics with a concentration on exploring the Latino vote as it relates to nationality. Outside of his academics, he is both a mentor and academics chair at the Academic Achievement Program, vice president of PorColombia, and graduation chair of LUCHA. Upon graduation, Elliot hopes to attend law school to pursue a career in immigration law.