Event | Performance

"Divisible corpóreo", un poema-travesía-performance, por Rocío Cerón

Related: CWS/Poetry Archive (2004-2024)

Un poema-travesía-performance audiovisual y transmedia que explora lenguaje, sonidos e imagen. Cerón es dueña de una poética de historias fragmentadas que se nos incrustan como pegatinas en el cuerpo, ese cuerpo presente en casi toda su poesía, como el receptáculo de las emociones y como herramienta de expresión explosiva.

Rocío Cerón is a poet and sound artist based in Mexico City. Her work
investigates the forms of construction of memory, its hesitations, the suspension of meanings (to create other meanings) and displacement as territories of clash to create transmedia pieces. She has released the sound poetry albums Speculari (2023, Mexico), MIIUNI (2022) and Sonic Bubbles (2020) and published the poetry books Simultáneo sucesivo (2022), Divisible Corpóreo (2022), Spectio (2019), Materia oscura (2018), Borealis (2016), Nudo vortex ( 2015), Diorama (2012) and Basalto (2022), among others. Pieces of her have been exhibited on international venues and museums such as the Center Pompidou, Paris (2011); Southbank Centre, London (2012), Museum of Modern Art, Mexico (2018), Cervantes Institutes of Berlin, London and Stockholm, Expansive Space. Poetry and sound sessions, Casa Estudio Luis Barragán (2020); "Temps Fugac / Temps Apecari" Purísima Arte Contemporáneo, Barcelona (2020); Gossip III Against Censorship, Radio Tsonami, Chile (2020); Expo "I was very good at throwing stones"; La Tallera (2020); II Art and City Hall. Structural Program: urban sounds, The urban issue, CDMX, (2020); Sonic Bubbles. Multichannel participatory performance for 24 listening stations UMBRAL Festival, 45th edition, along with many others. In 2021 she was one of the 25 artists selected for the Centro de la Imagen Biennial of Photography in Mexico. In 2022 she received the Córdoba-Ciudad de las Ideas Residencies from the Artdecor Foundation and the City Council of Córdoba (Spain) and the Center for Research, Innovation and Development of the Arts (CEIIDA) (Monterrey, Mexico) to develop sound and performance poetry projects for intervention in public spaces. Since 2010 it has been part of the National System of Art Creators of Mexico (SNCA). Follow her creative process at www.instagram.com/laobservante/