2016/17 King Juan Carlos I Chair in Spanish Culture And Civilization

Josep Maria Muñoz

Image from Josep Maria Muñoz

Josep M. Muñoz (Barcelona, 1959)

Josep M. Muñoz is a historian. By profession, he is an editor, publisher and translator.

He received his Ph.D. with distinction (Premi extraordinari de doctorat) in contemporary history in 1995 from the Universitat de Barcelona. His dissertation on the work of historian Jaume Vicens i Vives was awarded the first Premi Gaziel de biographies i memories (Gaziel Prize for Biography and Memoir), and published as Jaume Vicens i Vives (1910-1960). Una biografia intel.lectual (Edicions 62, 1997).

To mark the centenary of Vicens Vives’ birth, in 2010 the Catalan government celebrated the Year of Vicens Vives. Josep M. Muñoz curated two traveling exhibitions:

Jaume Vicens i Vives i la nova historia (Jaume Vicens Vives and New History), Museum of History of Catalonia (Barcelona) / Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid)

Jaume Vicens Vives i Josep Pla: Complicitats (Jaume Vicens Vives and Josep Pla: Common Grounds), produced by the Josep Pla Foundation

Professional career

Public administration and international affairs:

Member of the cabinet of Mayor Pasqual Maragall (1987-1995).

Duties included the international projection of the City of Barcelona during the 1992 Olympic Period, speechwriting, planning of the Mayor’s international visits beyond Europe (Tokyo, New York, Boston, Washington, Atlanta, etc.)

Director of Cultural Services of the MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona), 1995-1999

Responsibilities included conceptualization and programming of the cultural activities accompanying the exhibitions, and assisting the director in management duties.

Journalism and Publishing

Director, L’Avenç monthly magazine (2000-present)

Editorial director, L’Avenç books (2007-present)


Jaume Vicens i Vives (1910-1960). Una biografia intel.lectual (Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1997).

Catalunya, una història europea (ed.), Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2006. (There are also editions in English, French and Spanish)

Els quatre presidents: entrevistes a Tarradellas, Pujol, Maragall i Montilla, (ed.), Barcelona: L’Avenç, 2010.

Àlbum Jaume Vicens i Vives: 1910-1960 (ed.), Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoriaciones Culturales/ Barcelona: Vicens Vives, 2010.

There is a Spanish edition.

1714-2014 [coord.] Barcelona: Fundació Lluís Carulla, 2014.

Temps present, temps passat: catorze entrevistes de L’Avenç,

Barcelona: La Magrana, 2016


El Coronel Chabert by Honoré de Balzac

Barcelona: L’Avenç, 2012

Adolphe by Benjamin Constant

Barcelona: L’Avenç, 2013

Els Últims dies d’Immanuel Kant by Thomas de Quincey

Barcelona: L’Avenç , 2013

_ La bèstia humana_by Émile Zola Barcelona: L’Avenç, 2014

L’hostal vermellby Honoré de Balzac Barcelona: L’Avenç, 2015

Memoria personal by JosephConrad Barcelona: L’Avenç (to be published, February 2017)