Introducing Pura Fernández, King Juan Carlos I Chair in Spanish Culture And Civilization

Pura Fernández (CSIC) is our King Juan Carlos Chair in Spanish Culture and Civilization for Fall 2022.
During her stay at KJCC, she is teaching the seminar “We should all be women writers” and she has prepared a series of conversations with writers Cristina Morales (Oct. 27), Marta Sanz (Nov. 10), Gabriela Wiener (Nov. 11), Luna Miguel (Nov. 11), and Sara Mesa (Dec.8).
She is a research Professor at the Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences at Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), of which she was deputy director 2010–2012, and General Editor of Editorial CSIC and Director of Scientific Culture and Citizen Science since 2019.
She has directed various group research projects on the modern history of publishing and reading; the professionalization of women writers; transatlantic cultural and publishing networks; and the intersections of literature, scientific discourse, and public policy. The results have been published in numerous edited volumes and academic journals (Revista de Literatura, Bulletin Hispanique; Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies; Studi Ispanici; Bulletin of Spanish Studies; Revista de Occidente; Journal of the History of Sexuality, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, etc.).
She has authored, edited, or coedited 14 books: Eduardo López Bago y el naturalismo radica: Literatura y mercado editorial en el siglo XIX (1995); Mujer pública y vida privada: Del arte eunuco a la novela lupanaria (2008); La mujer de letras o la letraherida: Discursos y representaciones sobre la mujer escritora en el siglo XIX (2008); Redes públicas, relaciones trasatlánticas: Escritores, editores y lectores en el entresiglos hispánico (XIX–XX) (2012; monographic issue of _Revista de Estudios Hispán_icos); No hay nación para este sexo. La Re(d)pública transatlántica de las Letras: escritoras españolas y latinoamericanas (1824-1936) (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2015); “Por ser mujer y autora”… Identidades autoriales de escritoras y artistas en la cultura contemporánea (monographic issue of Ínsula. Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, 2017), 365 relojes. La vida de la Baronesa de Wilson (2022), and in collaboration with Jo Labanyi and Elena Delgado, Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History (18th Century to the Present) (Vanderbilt University Press, 2015; Spanish translation, Cátedra, 2018) and New History of Iberian Feminisms (R. Johnson y S. Bermúdez). She has also coordinated the edition of the Obras completas of Ramón Gómez de la Serna (1996–2014, 20 vols.) and has edited the volume Total de Greguerías (2014).
Dr. Fernández is a member of the Advisory Board of 18 international academic journals from España, France, EEUU, Argentina and Mexico, as well as of the Editorial Committee of 8 series of books from Spain, Germany, France, Mexico and Argentina. Also, she is the creator and director of the website Ibero-American Editors and Publishers (centuries XIX-XXI) – EDI-RED. This academic portal proposes to draw up the map of literary publishing in Castillian, Catalan, Basque and Galician, as well as in Portuguese, from 1800 to the present, in both paper and digital formats in any geographical space. This ambitious project is centered on the personalities and the efforts of editors, publishing houses, literary series and advisers, from the modest nineteenth-century artisans to the large groups which dominate international publishing industry at the current time:
Visiting Professor at Columbia University in 2015, she has been invited to deliver lectures, organize seminars, and teach doctoral courses at numerous universities and research centers (París, Roma, Bologna, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Londres, Cambridge, Leeds, Munich, Viena, New York, Los Ángeles, Saint-Louis, Madison, Milwaukee, El Cairo, Bucarest, Toulouse, Mendoza, Buenos Aires, La Plata, Lima, Arequipa, Cuzco, México DF, La Habana, Santiago de Chile, Valparaíso, Cartagena de Indias, Burdeos, Amiens, etc.).