
About the Center


To promote research and teaching on Spain and the Spanish-speaking world at the university, and to mount free public programs for a general audience that highlight the history, politics and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.


  • Encourage inclusion of the Spanish-speaking world in areas where traditionally it has been marginalized, such as European studies, philosophy, politics, and economics.
  • Provide an intellectual home for US scholars interested in the Spanish-speaking world.
  • Support NYU students and faculty with an academic interest in the Hispanic world, while strengthening Spanish, Latin American and Latino studies at the University.


  • Serve as an important cultural resource for New York City by celebrating the rich history and cultures of Spain and Latin America through free seminars, exhibits, lectures, and the like.
  • Act as a liaison among Spanish, Latin American and US cultural organizations and individuals involved in academia and the arts.

Public Affairs

Organize events that foster dialogue and cooperation among leaders from the private and public sectors in Spain, Latin America and the United States.


  • Carroll and Milton Petrie*
  • Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona
  • Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Madrid*
  • CITGO Petroleum Corporation*
  • The Coca-Cola Foundation*
  • Fundación Coca-Cola de España*
  • Fundación Ramón Areces*
  • Fundación Tabacalera, S.A.*
  • Grupo Endesa*
  • Iberdrola, S.A.*
  • Morgan Stanley Group
  • Pfizer, Inc.
  • Telefónica de España, S.A.*

*Member of the Sir Harold Acton Society, which honors donors whose gifts to New York University equal or exceed $1 million

Read about the Center’s History

Activity Reports